White Paper
Where Next for Urban Space? Q2 Trend Report 2023
This trend report explores six transitions, taking inspiration from urban living to gain a deeper understanding of workplace functionality and how we can expect it to evolve in the future.
Since the global pandemic in 2020 offices and the city centre have shared the same challenge – to bring people back. With plenty of reasons to stay away and more tempting opportunities on our doorstep, can the city centre and the workplace redeem themselves?
Both city policymakers and offices are at a critical point of change. The more barriers they overcome, from poor connectivity, social exclusion, poor sustainable design and inequality in experience – we could see the future of work and its environment reimagined. In this report, with academic research and market insights from the global WORKTECH Academy network we identify six transitions as we accurately answer the question – ‘Where next for urban space?’
For more, access the Q2 Trend Report here.